Wednesday 21 March 2012

Contents Page

This shows the progression of my Contents Page through the course.

RAGE font

This shows the stage my title font went through. Although I drew sketches of ideas for this the final idea was created only on the photoshop software. In the second stage I took an image of scratched metal and, using the first font as a guide, rubbed this out to fit the title. I then further added a red filter and edited to opacity to give the final title.

Other graphics

I decided not to use this graphic in my magazine because I didnt feel it was appropriate for the magazine

For this graphic It was far too cartoonish to begin with-which although I did want so that it looked like a sticker graphic that is usually on the front of some popular magazine, I wanted it to look a bit more 'Rock' and came up with this graphic-featured on my front cover.

this graphic saying 'hot stuff' was made to highlight more desirable articles within the magazine.
this is the resulting outcome of this graphic, to prevent it becoming immature and cartoonish i added a semi opaque brush so that only part of the colours would be marred

Elements Of The Magazine

I decided that I would also like my magazine to have some graphic features on it, and that I would design these myself following the same process as with the font text. Shown above is the Rose graphic I made to represent my band 'thorn' you can see the rose being made here from sketch to graphic image.

Fonts Produced from scans

To Create these fonts I first drew my design ideas, scanned these in and then drew over on a new layer in photoshop. For the contents lettering I would then just have to ensure I had the shape I wanted and these would be finished, but for the THORN logo i would also distort the lettering also.

I would start with a letter like this

Then using the erase tool with brushes I made from images found by searching 'blood splatter' on google I would be able to create distorted looking letters like this one.