Thursday 7 October 2010

Original images.

Development Screenshots - Front Page

These screenshots show the process i went through to create my front cover.
 Originally i created the soup logo after researching some fonts and put a green banner at the bottom of the page that would hold more information about the inside stories.

 After wards i came up with some stories that would be in my magazine and the focus story : 20 Fashion Fixes! I chose these stories as i thought they would be interesting to students who are the focus audience of the magazine.

Finally i added my chosen image to the background and 'the FASHION issue' slogan towards the bottom of the page in the contrasting white colour . 

Development Screenshots - Contents

Below are screenshots that show the method I went through to create the contents page
 Initially i started with a simple design. I used the green colour for the contents page so that it related to the cover page, and simply added the text the contents required.
 I added a picture that i had shortlisted for the cover page, this was one of my favourite photos from the shoot. I put this only in the lower area of the contents page as otherwise the picture would be cut up by the green lining and i wanted this picture to be the focus of the page, which had it been cut up, it would not be focused on.
The final contents page looks like this. I merely added 5 images to the top of the page that i took at the photoshoot and then the 'Inside' text and 'the soup' logo.
These are the final designs for both my front cover and contents page.
 I chose this image as my front cover as i feel it best describes the soup magazine and meets the requirements.I think this is a succesful front cover as most of the information can clearly be seen however the 20 Fashion Fixes! article is not entirely clear due to the colouring of the 20 however i wanted to use this as this colour is used through both the cover and contents and i wanted to connect the two.
The reason i chose this contents is that i felt althought it was the plainer of the two designs it was perhaps the more effective and gave a more relaxed feel due to the main photo . I feel the smaller photos to the top of the page compliment both of the pages and are more playful. A negative of my contents page is that the soup logo at the top of the page is not completely clear however when i tried to play around with the colours i could not find one that looked as good.

Examples of Font's

Below are some example of fonts that i considered in the making of my student magazine.

 rough typewriter
 Shelter me

 Capture it 1
Capture it 2

Although these fonts had both advantages and disadvantages i choose to use the 'stencil' font for my magazine instead.

College Magazine Contents Designs

 These are designs for the magazine's contents page.
This design is more simple than the others and features one of my favourite shots .I think i would be more likely to use this one .

This is a busier contents page that has more photos than the prior one. I am unsure as to wether this is overly busy.

College magazine front cover

 These are five front covers i have designed for the Soup .
I like this cover as the model is calm and relaxed, which is the general vibe of the soup magazine : Laid back style.

 I think the model looks good in this cover and i like the movement in the photo . although this photo is nice i don't think it fit's the cover right, and may be more useful as a contents page image.
 I love this photo and it is one of my favourites from the shoot. Unfortunately it does not count as a mid shot so should not be used as a front cover.
 I love this cover as the photo is so free and really captures the feeling i want with this student magazine, unfortunately this again does not count as a mid shot so cannot be used for this project.
This is my favourite design for the front cover so far. The model looks very relaxed and all the image is clear to see. Also the text can easily be read which is an advantage as some of the prospective designs are not clearly read.