Thursday 7 October 2010

College magazine front cover

 These are five front covers i have designed for the Soup .
I like this cover as the model is calm and relaxed, which is the general vibe of the soup magazine : Laid back style.

 I think the model looks good in this cover and i like the movement in the photo . although this photo is nice i don't think it fit's the cover right, and may be more useful as a contents page image.
 I love this photo and it is one of my favourites from the shoot. Unfortunately it does not count as a mid shot so should not be used as a front cover.
 I love this cover as the photo is so free and really captures the feeling i want with this student magazine, unfortunately this again does not count as a mid shot so cannot be used for this project.
This is my favourite design for the front cover so far. The model looks very relaxed and all the image is clear to see. Also the text can easily be read which is an advantage as some of the prospective designs are not clearly read.

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